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Fireside Chat #21

Giving Someone You Love to the Lord
Children, husbands or wives, a close friend, etc. 

Disc/Track 1: 

Testimonies: Muddle and mess replaced by a shining new mind. Freedom from torment. Effectively giving someone to the Lord allows you to love and honor them as well as honoring yourself! The benefits of doing this exercise bring more of your true self into the relationship.

Why this is difficult: lack of trust, guilt, shame, pride, fear of how it will change your own life.

Let go of unrighteous responsibility for someone else, and get your new guidelines from God.

Steps to this process: (Choose the right time carefully.)
1. Get real about the history of the relationship (disappointment, loss, grief, anger, betrayal.)
(continued on Disc 2)

Disc/Track 2: 

Steps to this process: (Continued from Disc 1)
2. Dealing with unmet needs brought into the relationship– they must be fulfilled by God.
3. Empty Chair, saying sorry, expressing anger… speak everything that needs to be said.
4. Let go of the relationship and all itʼs unrighteous dynamics.
5. Invite the Holy Spirit to bring cleansing from the damage.

How to make this spiritual surgery become a physical reality: Remind yourself “I have given you to God!” How this changes how you love people. Example: relationship with a rebellious teenager.

How to pray for your kids and other loved ones. How to let them make their own choices and mistakes.

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